Author Archive


With LiveJournal’s recent issues, lots of people are talking about moving to Dreamwidth.

I have been posting all of my content at DW as well as LJ (as well as my own blog at for some years now, though I’m still using LJ as my main blog-reading interface. I don’t anticipate this will change soon, but as I’m a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy I have just gone over to Dreamwidth and friended everyone who’s on my LiveJournal friendslist.

If your username on Dreamwidth is different from (i.e. not character-by-character identical to) your username on LiveJournal, please comment here or otherwise notify me of your Dreamwidth username if you’d like to keep in touch there.

Ask a Geek

I’m considering an irregular series of blog posts about technology, science, and science fiction. If you have any questions on these topics that you’d like to see me address, please post them as comments here. Thanks!

In the January Locus, Gardner Dozois calls “Last Days of the Kelly Gang” “among the best in the book” and Rich Horton calls “Liaisons Galantes” “a slight but quite enjoyable piece.”

David’s Index for 2012

Novel words written: 48,267
Short fiction words written: 20,646
Notes, outline, and synopsis words written: 11,071
Blog words written: 40,041
Total words written: 120,025

New stories written: 3

Short fiction submissions sent: 24
Responses received: 19
Rejections: 13
Acceptances: 5 (all pro)
Other responses: 1 (rewrite request)
Other sales: 10 (5 reprint, 3 audio, 2 translations)
Non-responses: 1 (gave up after 1036 days)
Awaiting response: 3

Short stories published: 13 (3 pro, 6 reprint, 2 translation, 2 audio)

Novel submissions: 2
Rejections: 1
Acceptances: 0
Awaiting response: 5

Agent submissions: 10
Rejections: 8
Acceptances: 0
Awaiting response: 3

Happy New Year!

Another sale to Galaktika

When Hungarian magazine Galaktika paid me for the two stories they’d published previously, they also said “I would like to purchase a third one in advance to restore your faith in our good will.” So here’s another Hungarian translation sale: “Nucleon.” And that’s my last sale for the year, I think.

Travel meme

Here’s a summary of the nights I spent away from home in 2012:

Guadalajara, Mexico (4)
Lake Quinault, WA (4)
Walnut Creek, CA (4)
Venice, Italy (5)
Bologna, Italy (2)
Vienna, Austria (5)
Znojmo, Czech Republic (1)
Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic (2)
České Budějovice, Czech Republic (2)
Prague, Czech Republic (5)
Dresden, Germany (2)
Berlin, Germany (6)
Madison, WI (7)
Vancouver, BC (7)
San Jose, CA (1)
Snoqualmie, WA (2)
Portland, OR (3)
Ashland, OR (4)
Chicago, IL (6)
Milwaukee, WI (2)
Denver, CO (4)
Chattanooga, TN (6)
Toronto, ON (5)

Plus 12 trips to Seattle to visit with Janna and other friends, for a total of 116 nights away from home.


I have received retroactive payment for the unauthorized Hungarian translations of my stories “Tk’Tk’Tk” (Galaktika 199, October 2006) and “Charlie the Purple Giraffe Was Acting Strangely” (Galaktika 262, January 2012).