Author Archive


Today is the day! My new novel The Kuiper Belt Job is now on sale wherever books are sold!

The Kuiper Belt Job is a caper story in space, a mash-up of Ocean’s 11 and The Expanse with a dollop of Firefly and Leverage. It’s an ensemble piece with complex character relationships and a twisty, compelling plot, but beneath the entertaining surface it raises deep questions about identity and personhood. In a world where minds can be copied, what does it mean to be “me”?

This is my fourth published novel, but the first one in five years and my first small-press novel. If you would like to help, here are four ways:

1. Buy the book!

The number 1 way you can help is to buy the book! It is available in most places where you can buy paper books or ebooks, but here are three of the most popular:

Click here for a complete list of “buy here” links, including stores in Canada, the UK, and Australia. If you want to order it from your local brick-and-mortar bookstore, the ISBN is 9781647100902.

It’s also fabulous if you get the book from a library! Multnomah County Library has five copies on order, and if your local library doesn’t have it they might very well order it if you ask nicely.

2. Attend a reading!

If you are in one of the places I’m visiting on my book tour — which does includes two online venues, so that’s everywhere — I’d really appreciate it if you would show up! I can promise you an entertaining time, with music and giveaways as well as a reading and Q&A. Here’s my schedule:

3. Post a review!

After you have read the book, I would really appreciate it if you would post a review on Goodreads or Amazon, or on your own social media. It’s okay if you don’t love it! Sharing your honest opinion will help other people decide whether or not they might like the book.

4. Tell your friends!

Even if you are not the type of person who posts reviews, please be aware that word of mouth is the most important way that people find out about books. If you read the book and love it, tell your friends! Or, even if you don’t read it or don’t like science fiction, you might know someone who would… please tell them!

Thank you all for any help you can provide. Keep ’em flying!

The Kuiper Belt Job launches TOMORROW!

Hey everyone! My new novel The Kuiper Belt Job will be published tomorrow! If you preordered it, it is already winging its way to your porch or device!

Here are my promotional appearances in the next few weeks:

Hope to see you at one of them!


Hey folks! It’s November, which means that my new novel The Kuiper Belt Job comes out next week, on November 7!

The Kuiper Belt Job is a caper story in space, a mash-up of Ocean’s 11 and The Expanse with a dollop of Firefly and Leverage. It’s an ensemble piece with complex character relationships and a twisty, compelling plot, but beneath the entertaining surface it raises deep questions about identity and personhood. In a world where minds can be copied, what does it mean to be “me”?

I’m excited but also kind of nervous. It’s my first novel in five years and my first small-press novel, so I’m afraid it may be lost in the flood of wonderful new books that keeps coming out. If you would like to help, here are four ways:

1. Buy the book!

The number 1 way you can help is to buy the book! It is available in most places where you can buy paper books or ebooks, but here are three of the most popular:

I do encourage supporting your local independent brick-and-mortar book store, if you have one. If they don’t have it on the shelves, you can definitely ask them to order you a copy. The book is available to booksellers at the usual traditional-publishing terms and the ISBN is 9781647100902.

It’s also fabulous if you get the book from a library! Multnomah County Library has five copies on order, and if your local library doesn’t have it they might very well order it if you ask nicely.

2. Attend a reading!

If you are in one of the places I’m visiting on my book tour — which does includes two online venues, so that’s everywhere — I’d really appreciate it if you would show up! I can promise you an entertaining time, with music and giveaways as well as a reading and Q&A. Here’s my schedule:

3. Post a review!

After you have read the book, I would really appreciate it if you would post a review on Goodreads or Amazon, or on your own social media, or, heck, on any handy telephone pole near you. It’s okay if you don’t love it! Sharing your honest opinion will help other people decide whether or not they might like the book.

4. Tell your friends!

Even if you are not the type of person who posts reviews, please be aware that word of mouth is the most important way that people find out about books. If you read the book and love it, tell your friends! Or, even if you don’t read it or don’t like science fiction, you might know someone who would… please tell them!

Thank you all for any help you can provide. Keep ’em flying!

My OryCon Schedule

OryCon 43 is coming, November 10-12 at the Holiday Inn Portland – Columbia Riverfront, and I’ll be appearing in the following program events!


4:00pm – 4:50pm: Returning from Hiatus, White Stag
Speakers: Christopher Sebela, David D. Levine, Anthony Pryor
You’re finally ready to start creating again, but you feel like your creative muscles atrophied. How do you take the shaky first steps? What pressures do you face from yourself and society to suddenly run and catch up?

5:00pm – 5:50pm: Creators in Chaos, White Stag
Speakers: Theresa Reed (M), David D. Levine, Matt Haynes, John M Lovett, Anthony Pryor
To be alive is to exist in chaos. There’s always something to interrupt. Family, finances, death, disarray. You say, I would make that, but- and most excuses are genuine concerns. How do you prepare for the worst, get organized, and focus enough to create?


11:00am – 11:50am: Beyond One World and One Species, Rm 256
Speakers: Walt Boyes, Mark Niemann-Ross, Manny Frishberg, David D. Levine, G. David Nordley
Millennia of diaspora from Old Home Terra would almost certainly produce any number of subvariants of humanity including genetically engineered transhumans and cyborgs. Consider not “the” future of humanity but “the futures” of humanity. Save for a common heritage distant in time, they might be alien species. What might that be like?

12:00pm – 12:50pm: The Sensitive Manly Man, Pendleton
Speakers: Neil Cochrane (M), Steven Barnes, Stoney Compton, David D. Levine, Frog Jones
Empathy, reflection, and emotional vulnerability are essential to character growth, but not easy to employ if your protagonist is cut from the patriarchy. How do you give depth and redefine masculinity with today’s gender norms evolving?

3:00pm – 3:50pm: David D. Levine Reading & Novel Launch, Flanders
Speakers: David D. Levine
David D. Levine discusses and reads from his new novel, The Kuiper Belt Job.

4:00pm – 4:50pm: Science and Speculative Fiction, Lovejoy
Speakers: David D. Levine (M), Alma Alexander, Rhiannon Held/R. Z. Held, Walt Boyes
What role does science play in fantasy and horror (as opposed to “hard” science fiction), particularly in light of genre conventions? To what extent can speculative fiction authors and creators play “fast and loose” with science?


2:00pm – 2:50pm: The Concept of “Civility”: Needful Myth or Trap?, Pettygrove
Speakers: David D. Levine (M), Andrew M Ross, Andrew Nisbet, Manny Frishberg
Definitions of “being civil” span a range in communities with wide world views. How does the idea of “civility” influence writing, art, and media in the sci-fi/fantasy creation community? Does “being civil” limit free expression, or expand it?

SLF Deep Dish Readings in Chicago, November 16

I’ll be reading at the Speculative Literature Foundation Deep Dish Readings in Chicago on November 16!

Deep Dish is a reading series of Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction and Fantasy. It is a crazy good event, with some incredible authors working in and out of this genre. This event will be held on Thursday November 16, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Wicker Park location of Volumes Book Cafe: 1373 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60622. Featured Readers at this event will be David D. Levine (The Kuiper Belt Job) and Eden Robins (When Franny Stands Up). Hope to see you there!

Kuiper Belt Job pre-orders now available!

Pre-orders for The Kuiper Belt Job are now available for print and ebook!

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The Kuiper Belt Job is a caper story in space, a mash-up of Firefly, Leverage, and The Expanse. Coming November 7 from Caezik SF&F! More info here:

Preorder it here in hardcopy or ebook format:

An audiobook edition is very likely, but is in negotiation right now. Watch this space.