
6/28/07: Flutter flutter fwap

Word count: 50155 | Since last entry: 10592 | Days until retirement: 95

In my last writing post I declared a new resolve to write every day. I have done so every day since, 300-500 words most days. Yay me. However, this has taken time away from blogging. A good tradeoff, in my opinion, but I’m kind of sorry I didn’t get to write in detail about some of the things that happened this month.

I’ve made very good progress on the novel, but I just hit a point where I realize the outline is too thin to sustain forward progress. I may have to pause and re-outline very soon. Alternatively, I could glom the next three chapters into one and move quickly to the next exciting bit. I’m no longer worried about the novel being too short.

It’s been a very busy month at work. We hit the UI Freeze milestone and I fixed (or otherwise dealt with) 241 bugs and other issues. However, just because UI Freeze has come and gone doesn’t mean I can’t fix any more problems. I just have to be more subtle about it. For example, I can no longer add any new words or phrases to the UI (they’ve all been sent off to be translated into 14 languages), but if need a new phrase and I can find a similar phrase that already exists I might be able to use it in a new location (if the translation will work in both places in all languages). Still, this milestone means that my level of effort on this project is going to be scaling back. Lots of other projects await.

I’ve told key people at work that my unofficial official retirement date is October 1. There are quite a few details to work out before then, health care being a biggie. I have not told my co-workers yet (well, unless they’re reading this blog).

I’ve been a real social moth (that’s like a social butterfly but it batters itself against lightbulbs and other shiny things). Just briefly, the last 3 weeks included: Brandi Carlile concert, reading by the Yarn Harlot, housewarming for a writer new to town, major cross-site work meeting and dinner, viewing of Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (I didn’t know it was a comedy), dinner with square dance friends, failed attempt to have brunch with other square dance friends, Gay Pride parade and festival, dinner with another square dance friend, benefit showing of Serenity, haircut, open house for the new Grand Central Bakery, JayCon, midnight singalong showing of the Buffy musical episode, dim sum with yet another pair of square dance friends, party at the home of some lesbian librarian friends, book group (Portable Childhoods), delightful house concert with one of the Flying Karamazov Brothers, and a live taping of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Every one of those deserves at least a paragraph, if not its own entry. They won’t get it.

Tomorrow in the afternoon at work we have the celebration of our recent Beta 1 release, which I will duck out from early to head up to Seattle for a Clarion party followed by the Writer’s Weekend conference, at which I am a Guest Speaker. See some of you there!

6/5/07: A new resolve

Word count: 39563 | Since last entry: 891

Kate is in Spokane again this week. Her father had a new plastic lining installed in his abdominal aorta today, and when last we spoke he had come through the surgery okay but they hadn’t yet seen him. He’s expected to come home Thursday, and Kate should be back Friday, subject to the usual uncertainties. I miss her.

Two people who know a little something about having new linings installed are friends Jerry and Suzle, from Seattle, who called up on the spur of the moment on Saturday (Kate was still here then) to say that they were in town and would we like to have dinner? We were just about to boil some potatoes for salmon hash, but I want to live in the kind of world where friends can just pop in on each other on short notice, so we turned off the stove and had a nice Middle Eastern dinner at Karam downtown. Too bad we didn’t remember that it was the night of the Starlight Parade. But we did find parking eventually. And we had the salmon hash the next day, and it was delish.

I was a bad bad writer in May. I wrote on only five days in the whole month. I also traveled to Palm Springs, New York, and Denver, but still. So I have made a new resolution: to write every single day in June, at least a hundred words a day (though I’m going to have to average over 200 words a day for the next 10 days to finish this chapter in time for the next crit group meeting). So far, so good. I’m also going to try to go to the gym three times a week, but frankly that’s more negotiable.

I received my author copy of Israeli magazine The Tenth Dimension, with the Hebrew translation of “Titanium Mike Saves the Day” and five cool illustrations. Looks like they got five different artists to illustrate Mike in each of the five scenes of the story — each the same pose, but they’re all different, and charmingly childlike. Very apropos.

On the downside, my first novel has now been rejected by every one of the big New York publishers that might reasonably be expected to want it. It is now in submission to one of the smaller genre presses. I do hope it finds a home soon. I’m also jealous of people who are at Rio Hondo or Blue Heaven this week and next.

Oh well. I try to distract myself by writing on the new novel. A snippet:

As near as Keelie could tell, Rachel herself spoke only one language. This baffled her. Everyone spoke at least Argot, and probably one or two other trade languages, in addition to their own language or languages.

But Rachel depended on the machine, and kept holding it in front of Keelie’s face, its surface blinking with sixtyfours of different kinds of marks. Keelie knew what writing was, but it was opaque to her — teaching a slave to read was a whipping offense.

She swore in frustration.

And the machine spoke…

5/29/07: Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln…

Word count: 38672 | Since last entry: 35

Just back from the IAGSDC convention in Denver. Flight was delayed so I arrived home about 1am today. Guh?

Kate had to leave the convention early to be with her father, who went to the hospital (and then got transferred to another hospital in Spokane) with an aortic aneurism. He spent 5 days in the cardiac ward and then was sent home because they had to order a part. No, really. Kate should be home tomorrow, probably will go back again for the surgery some time next week.

I had a great time at the convention itself. Good dancing, good food, good friends. Denver seems a very nice city, quite similar to Portland in some ways, and the convention location on the 16th Street pedestrian mall was excellent. Had a phenomenal dinner at Tamayo, and went back for lunch the next day. Honky Tonk Queen contest was surprisingly entertaining; 3 of the 4 contestants displayed actual talent! Fun Badge Tour had us dancing on the field at Broncos Stadium (professionally-maintained real-grass football field is a very nice dance surface!) and at the fabulous Red Rocks Auditorium. It was much more fun than I’d expected, knowing nothing about Denver.

After the FBT I went to the famed Casa Bonita with some square dance friends. At first I thought it was cheap and tacky, but after I came to accept it on its own terms I was charmed. Despite its gaudy extravagance it has a certain naive humility. It’s hard to describe, but it’s kind of like a cross between Pirates of the Caribbean (the ride) and Chuck E. Cheese, except with live entertainment. I mean, cliff divers! And a haunted cavern! What’s not to like?

5/23/07: Sale!

Word count: 38637 | Since last entry: 719 I’m pleased to announce that I sold story “Moonlight on the Carpet” to Aeon Speculative Fiction. This story was written at the Two Beers And A Story Challenge at the Worldcon in Boston. I’ve been writing about as often as I’ve been blogging, alas. I did write 500 words at the coffee shop last night, but they don’t quite fit where they are and I’m going to have to either cut them or rearrange the chapter to fit. Perhaps I’ll write a bit on the plane today. Yes, I’m traveling again — off to Denver for the annual gay square dance convention. Cab’s here!

5/15/07: Nebulized

Word count: 37918 | Since last entry: 2974

Just back from the Nebula Awards weekend in New York City. It was too brief — Kate says that next time we’re going to come back for a month.

On Thursday we saw a show (“Curtains”), a musical featuring David Hyde Pierce (“Niles” on Frasier) as a stagestruck cop investigating a series of murders backstage at a musical on its Boston tryout in the 1950s. Silly fun, and interesting in that every song and dance, with the exception of one dream sequence, is one in which the characters are actually supposed to be singing and dancing, a neat trick that most musicals don’t even attempt. But the show managed not to be very memorable, which as Kate points out just goes to show how good the really good musicals really are.

Friday we took the subway to Chinatown for dim sum with our old New York friend Lise Eisenberg. Walking from the subway stop to the restaurant we kept meeting Asian women who sidled up to us and muttered “passes, passes,” which confused us no end, until Kate realized (based on something we read in the most recent issue of True Story Swear to God) that they were offering “purses, purses” — counterfeit designer handbags. Then a black man sidled up and offered “relics, relics” — or, I realized after a moment, “Rolex, Rolex” — similarly counterfeit. But a New York street hawker offering counterfeit holy relics is perhaps a story idea…

After dim sum (marvelous, by the way, though they didn’t have spoo) we hiked down streets with names like Baxter and Hester, known to me as Jewish names but now part of Chinatown, to a place where we could get real, fresh bialys and bagels. Then we caught a bus, the scenic route around the tip of Manhattan, back to our hotel.

We woke up from our nap just in time to wander down to Borders (which has a marvelous ceiling) for the big multi-author book signing (I, having no book to sign, chose not to participate). There we ran into Tempest Bradford and her friend Carol, who introduced us to Risotteria, New York’s only gluten-free restaurant with over twenty different kinds of risotto, and Cones for exceptional artisan gelato. Yum. Back to the hotel in time for the ceremonial presentation of certificates and pins to the Nebula nominees (“Everyone to the third floor! Watch the nominees get pinned! To the third floor!”).

The next day we nearly had breakfast with Esther Friesner, but there was nothing at our chosen restaurant for her husband Walter (who is deathly allergic to eggs) so we went our separate ways. After breakfast we wandered along the Hudson River to see the delightful and somewhat disturbing Tom Otterness sculptures in Nelson A. Rockefeller Park. Kate went off from there in search of flea markets, while I returned to the hotel for the day’s programming. But on the way I found myself walking around three sides of the World Trade Center site, and encountered a small exhibition of photographs. It’s basically nothing more than a construction site now, but still freighted with meaning. Many of the people I saw there were crying. I’m glad I stopped for a bit.

I’m also glad I got to see “World Enough and Time”, a new episode of the original Star Trek. Everything except the actors in this lovingly fan-produced episode was exactly the same as before — including the slightly hokey script and acting. But it was a really good episode, starring George Takei as the 60-year-old Sulu. The effects were much better than the original.

Then Jo Walton snagged me for lunch. We went off for a nice slice of pizza with our New York friend Vicky Rosenzweig and her husband Andy, and got back just in time for the so-called “Publishers’ Summit” panel, during which I was able to reassure Jo that Farthing is romantic in the same way that the movie The Addams Family is romantic: it has a married couple who are deeply in love the whole way through, which is rare in fiction.

I managed to avoid the SFWA Business Meeting, but after it was over I found myself in the bar with Gardner Dozois, Ellen Datlow, Nancy Kress, Robin Wayne Bailey, Josepha Sherman, Tom Purdom, Richard Curtis, and probably a few others I’ve missed, talking about Deep Secrit SFWA Business. I kept my mouth shut then, and I will now too.

Back to the room for another nap, then we got all dressed up for the Nebula Awards reception and banquet. It was obvious from the very dense crowd that the majority of the people here had been seduced by the tourism side of the force during the day, because there were easily three times as many people here as I’d seen in one place at any other time. Met many friends old and new in the crowd, including Jae Brim from Writers of the Future. We had some difficulty finding a place to sit for the banquet, but wound up at the Realms of Fantasy table with Shawna McCarthy, her husband Wayne Barlow (yes, the artist Wayne D. Barlow), and Peter David. During the very long banquet and award ceremony Wayne and I geeked about great toys from the 1960s, including Major Matt Mason, Horrible Hamilton, the Colorforms Aliens, and the Zeroids.

Sunday morning we got up, packed up, checked out, and had just enough time for a visit to the Museum of Modern Art. Wow. Just wow. Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh, Magritte, and Mondrian, not to mention gallery after gallery of great industrial design, but I think our favorite piece was a dark room in which the only light came from a classic cartoon mouse-hole cut in the baseboard, while slightly disturbing cartoon sound effects played. The title: “Waiting for Jerry.”

Then home.

Not a lot of writing in the last week but I am still making progress. But now I must to bed.

5/1/07: Home safe

Word count: 34944 | Since last entry: 1516

Woke up at 5am in Phoenix yesterday morning, thanks to USAir stranding me on the way home from Palm Springs, but made it home in one piece and got to work by noon. The rest of yesterday was a bit of a sleep-deprived blur. Rather unfocused today as well, but did go to the coffee shop and wrote over 500 words in the company of Karen, Mary R, and Kate who came along to knit while we wrote.

On the plane I was reading Carnival by Elizabeth Bear and feeling rather inadequate. My stuff is so linear and straightforward by comparison, lacking both the stylistic pyrotechnics and the drop-the-reader-in-head-first headrush of the Bear. But Kate reminds me that my first (still unpublished) novel has an insanely complicated timeline, and although my style is rather vanilla some people do seem to like it.

Tomorrow we’ll be at John Scalzi’s reading at Powell’s in Beaverton; hope to see some of you there!

4/24/07: Slow night at the coffee shop

Word count: 33428 | Since last entry: 493

Only Jay and myself at the coffee shop tonight, and we only overlapped for about an hour. I stayed for another half-hour after he left, but didn’t quite make 500 words for the night.

Sometimes I wonder if I am just throwing in incidents to take up space. This chapter was exceedingly thin in the outline. But each thing follows naturally from what preceded. I really need to be building up Rachel’s backstory and inner life more, though.

A snippet:

“You have to go slow,” Rachel said. “I’m not familiar with this place.” She held the child’s expressionless eyes with her own as the alien translated, willing her to understand. Surely some glimmer of comprehension must come eventually — she must remember at least a little of her own people’s language? But the girl only repeated her gesture. “Please, child. At least tell me your name.”

The girl watched the alien as it translated. Then she turned her eyes to Rachel, and spoke directly to her. “Keelie,” she said. Though the name was strange, it was the most human sound Rachel had heard from the girl, and she took some hope from that.

“Keelie,” Rachel repeated.

The girl gave a downward jerk of her chin, then waved Rachel forward again. Rachel picked up her bag and walked toward her. Daniel in the lions’ den, she reminded herself as the slugs slithered away from her feet.

After I got home from that, Kate and I watched Monday’s episode of Drive, which our VCR failed to tape, on my Mac via MySpace. Truly it is the future.

By the way… Does anyone know where the original phrase “ink-stained wretch” came from? A quick Google suggests that it is a known phrase but doesn’t hint at its origin.

4/23/07: Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

Word count: 32935 | Since last entry: 0

In honor of Earth Day this weekend we ripped out some excess plants in the back yard. And in honor of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, here are some stories of mine you can read on the web for free:


4/21/07: Life is good

Word count: 32935 | Since last entry: 810

Kate is back from Disneyland, having had a great time there with the eight-year-old neice. Today I got a haircut, did a few other chores, had lunch with Katy, a square-dancing friend who just popped in as long as she was in town for other reasons, and had a delightful dinner at Mother’s with Bo and Don, a couple of other square-dancing friends. Then we watched Drive (I agree with Abigail that it lacks soul and texture, but I’m willing to give it time to grow on me) and I wrote another couple hundred words.

On the other hand, today I received another rejection. This was my 191st rejection (including 5 editor and 2 agent rejections on the novel, but not counting 10 cases in which the market folded before replying to my submission). I immediately resubmitted the story elsewhere. Excelsior!

4/18/07: Progress report

Word count: 32125 | Since last entry: 2625

Generally speaking, my life has been largely consumed by the day job. But we just met a major milestone this week, and things should be somewhat less crazy for a little while now… we enter a period of bug fixing before the first beta release in May.

As you can see from the wordcount above, I have not let work keep me away from writing completely. I haven’t been writing as often or as long as I would like, but I have been making intermittent progress and I hope to have a chapter ready in time for the next crit group meeting. Yesterday at the coffee shop was a very good night’s work; I introduced my two viewpoint characters to each other for the first time.

A snippet:

The new person was only a little taller than Keelie, but broader and rounder in the chest and hip and thigh. It — she — she looked as though she would be soft and warm and pleasant to touch.

Keelie drew closer, enthralled by the new person’s eyes. The dark centers were surrounded by a colored ring, like Keelie’s but brown instead of blue. They flicked from side to side, sudden light quick movements like startled twin birds, moving in perfect unison. An amazing, unnatural coordination like nothing Keelie had ever seen.

Did Keelie’s own eyes move like that?

I also had a stimulating and highly intellectual conversation in the bar afterward.

I had the last chapter (the one I finished at Rainforest Writers) critiqued this weekend, and the reactions have been very, very positive. The main issue is that Rachel, my Earth-human viewpoint character, is not as strong as Keelie, the one raised by aliens. This isn’t surprising, given that Keelie is the protagonist and Rachel is basically there to provide a more familiar perspective for the reader, but I have a few things in mind to make her stronger. Even so, it’s not like the last novel where everyone hated Jason; they absolutely love Keelie and Rachel suffers only by comparison.

Apart from plugging away on the novel I have no writing news to report. I’ve had several rejections, and I’m rapidly running out of markets for some of the stories that are still circulating. There are only really about four or five viable pro-level markets for a 7100-word hard SF adventure. And when the rejections are so consistent, especially given that I’ve rewritten that story from the ground up to try to address the same issue that’s still that story’s main problem, it seems destined for the trunk. I could really use another sale right about now.

We went to Minicon. It was an okay convention. I really enjoyed the panels I was on, I hung out with some of my bestest fan friends, I ate far too much good food, and I enjoyed a fine music party in the Tor suite on Sunday night. But the con was only about 3-400 people, and rattled around in a hotel that once hosted Minicons ten times that size. As underpopulated as it was, it was surprisingly easy to miss people. I might not go next year.

At the moment Kate is in California, where she’s treating our eight-year-old neice to Disneyland. From the phone calls so far they’re having a blast. I wish I could be there, but on the other hand I’m just as happy to not be dealing with the child. (Nothing wrong with her… I just don’t deal well with kids.)

Much more to report, but that’s enough for one blog entry.