Archive for the ‘News’ Category

My story “Tides of the Heart” was published in the June 2011 Realms of Fantasy! You can buy it in PDF or paper. My story “Pupa” came in second for Best Novelette in the 2010 Analog readers’ poll! The May issue of Locus includes an interview with me! You can read some excerpts online. Reviews roundup: The Mars Diaries, “Powers”, “Powers”, “Citizen-Astronaut”, and “Tides of the Heart”. The latest Outer Alliance podcast includes an interview with me. You can preorder the long-awaited anthology End of an Aeon from Fairwood Press. Finally, my story “Zauberschrift” has been accepted at the podcast PodCastle. Whew! I’ll try to update more frequently.

My story “Trust” is now available for everyone to read at Daily Science Fiction. I also received my contributor’s copies of the June 2011 Analog, including my novelette “Citizen-Astronaut,” and the galleys of my Locus interview, which should be published in the May issue. (SQUEE!) And, last but not least, I finished the first draft of my YA SF novel The Loneliest Girl on Mars. It goes on the shelf for a few weeks before I begin revisions.