Archive for the ‘News’ Category

While I was in Australia I didn’t write a word, but when I came home I found that a lot had happened in my absence:

I also received three rejections and a rewrite request. The rejected stories have all gone back out and I’ll be starting on the rewrite shortly.

I’ll be giving my Mars talk at the Mars Society’s annual convention (August 5-8 in Dayton, Ohio). I’ll be presenting to the whole convention right after Robert Zubrin opens the event! My Realms of Fantasy story “Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven” was selected as an Honorable Mention by Gardner Dozois in his Year’s Best SF. And the September 2010 Analog, Interzone 228, Alembical 2, and Escape Pod episode 240, all with stories by me, are now available.

My unpublished story “Citizen-Astronaut” won Second Prize in the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest. My story “Galactic Stress” was named one of the Notable Stories of 2009 for the storySouth Million Writers Award. Alembical 2, including my novella “Second Chance,” is now available for pre-order and got a starred review from Publishers Weekly. And the sixty-minute Tech Talk about my trip to “Mars” I presented to the engineers at Google is now available on YouTube.

Alembical 2 from Paper Golem Press, which includes my novella “Second Chance,” will be launching at Balticon at the end of May. May should also see the publication of Interzone 228, including my story “A Passion for Art;” the anthology Légendes, including the French translation of “Tale of the Golden Eagle;” and the May issue of Laptop, including a “Burning Question” section with a short essay by me about futuristic technology. Also, in the April Locus, Rich Horton gave my story “Teaching the Pig to Sing” a Recommended review.

The Drabblecast podcast of my story “Babel Probe” won the People’s Choice Award for Best Story of the Year! My story “Teaching the Pig to Sing” appeared in the May 2010 issue of Analog, my non-fiction essay “How the Future Predicts Science Fiction” appeared in the final issue of The Internet Review of Science Fiction, and “Wind from a Dying Star” appeared on Escape Pod (available as an MP3 file or via iTunes) and got some nice comments in the Escape Pod forums. I also sold “The Last McDougal’s” to Escape Pod for a future podcast. I’ve also added some Upcoming Appearances below, including a talk about my trip to “Mars” at Powell’s Technical Books in Portland.