Archive for the ‘News’ Category

I received an acceptance on a short story, but I won’t know until next June which publication it will be appearing in! Watch this space. “The Tale of the Golden Eagle” will also be translated into French, in the anthology Légendes.

I sold short story “horrorhouse” to DayBreak Magazine, a new online magazine dedicated to near-future, optimistic SF. It will appear on October 31. I also received payment for my Wild Cards story, though there may be one more round of editorial comments.

I received payment from Analog for my story “Teaching the Pig to Sing.” The story will probably appear in Spring or Summer of 2010. Also, a Hungarian Blogger said some nice things about “Titanium Mike.” Google Translate renders the last two sentences of this review as “Literary feat: just write a few, and only the best can really cause pleasure released. The story’s end as if to seize the smile in our faces, and this is no small achievement.” Indeed.