I will be presenting my Mars talk at the April 9 meeting of the Portland Science Fiction Society, free and open to the public. See this blog post for details.
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PorSFiS presents David Levine’s Mission to “Mars” 4/9/11
I will be presenting my Mars talk at the April meeting of the Portland Science Fiction Society, free and open to the public. If you’re in Portland, please come along! This might be your last chance to see it!
Saturday, April 9th, 2011
Meeting starts 2:30pm, talk at 3:30pm
Concordia University Library
2811 NE Holman Street
Portland, OR
Room GRW108
David D. Levine is a science fiction writer who’s sold over 40 short stories to all the major markets, including Asimov’s and Analog. He’s won a Hugo Award, been nominated for the Nebula, and won or been shortlisted for many other awards as well as appearing in numerous Year’s Best anthologies. He retired in 2007 after a 25-year career as a technical writer, software engineer, and user interface designer for Tektronix, Intel, and McAfee and now spends his days writing, traveling, and getting into trouble.
In January 2010 David spent two weeks at the Mars Desert Research Station, a simulated Mars base in the Utah desert. Although the Martian conditions were simulated, the science was real, as were the isolation, hostile environment, and problems faced by the six-person crew. Although his official title was Crew Journalist, he soon found himself repairing space suits, helping to keep the habitat running, and having interplanetary adventures he’d never before imagined.
David’s talk, profusely illustrated with photographs, has been presented at the Worldcon, the Nebula Awards, Clarion West, the Mars Society’s annual conference, Powell’s Technical Books, and Google and has received many rave reviews. You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You might even learn something!
“Trust” now available at Daily Science Fiction
My story “Trust” (of which even the editor who bought it says “Warning: Disturbing”) has been published as the story-of-the-day at Daily Science Fiction. It will remain on the front page until Monday, and will be available in the archive indefinitely at http://dailysciencefiction.com/story/david-d-levine/trust.
I hope you find it interesting and thought-provoking.
Also: Just got the galleys of my Locus interview, which should be published in the May issue. SQUEE!
My story “Trust” is now available for everyone to read at Daily Science Fiction. I also received my contributor’s copies of the June 2011 Analog, including my novelette “Citizen-Astronaut,” and the galleys of my Locus interview, which should be published in the May issue. (SQUEE!) And, last but not least, I finished the first draft of my YA SF novel The Loneliest Girl on Mars. It goes on the shelf for a few weeks before I begin revisions.
Aaaaand… draft!
Yesterday I wrote 266 new words and called it a draft. There’s a lot of denouement that I thought I’d have that isn’t in there — maybe I’m just tired, and sick of this draft — but it’s a kind of conclusion anyway and I typed THE END before the end of March, as I had resolved. YA SF novel The Loneliest Girl on Mars is in the can!
I was a lot happier with my other two first drafts; I’m keenly aware of the problems with this one. Maybe this just indicates how much I’ve learned over the course of writing three novels. I need to go through my notes file and all the notes embedded in the manuscript and collect together a big master list of all the changes I want to make when I rewrite.
But! It is done. 68,922 words, 338 manuscript pages, in just less than a year (I started outlining on April 11 last year and started drafting on April 24… note that I took the month+ we were in Australia almost completely off). That’s not to mention 29,215 words of notes and outline. It goes in the drawer for a bit now — two to six weeks, I guess — while I do research for the next novel and write one or two short stories. And then it’s a couple weeks or a month of revision before going to beta readers. May or may not get it in the mail by the end of June as originally scheduled, but there’s nobody but me who cares about that deadline.
Yay me.
Yesterday was also Kate’s birthday. I fixed up the Squeezebox so she could listen to Internet radio again (she was very excited about that), and I also bought her a primrose and a ranunculus plant. We had lunch with our friend Michael and spent the afternoon at the Portland Archives.
And today I received my contributor’s copies of the June Analog, including my novelette “Citizen-Astronaut” (which won second prize in the Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest) and my Biolog and photo. Reading over the story, I feel I ought to mention that although it was inspired by my experiences in Utah, this story is fiction and none of the awful things that happen to my protagonist in the story actually happened to me at MDRS. In particular, I must point out that my entire MDRS crew and the fine volunteers at the Mars Society were a lot nicer and more cooperative than the people in the story who give my protagonist so many problems, and we didn’t have to face nearly the same level of equipment failure that my protagonist does.
Even though his name is Gary Shu.
On the importance of backups
Word count: 68818 | Since last entry: 4088
Last weekend we spent a lovely four days at a cozy little rustic shack on the Olympic Peninsula in Union, Washington. This place was an amazing McMansion with seven bedrooms, dual ovens, dual microwaves, four refrigerators including a wine fridge, three fireplaces, five gigantic televisions, pool table, foosball, heated tile floors throughout, and more light switches than God. A little overwhelming, perhaps, and yet not completely without taste. If only the owners had not taken down all of the art when they turned it into a rental…
The occasion was the thirtieth wedding anniversary of our friends Paul and Debbie, to which they’d also invited our friends Marc and Patty, John and Ruth, Malinda, and Judy (none of whom, curiously, are on LiveJournal or Twitter). We spent the weekend eating, chatting, playing games (including a variant on Apples to Apples in which you select your noun card before the adjective card you’re trying to match is revealed, then have to explain why it’s a match!), watching videos, and just generally hanging out. Very relaxing. The weather was generally too rainy for outdoor activities but the view of the Olympics was occasionally very impressive.
I only did a few hundred words of writing, but this novel is very very very close to a finished draft. I might even write THE END before the end of March, as I promised myself I would at the beginning of the year.
When we returned home, I found that the TiVo was stuck on “powering up” and I had to pull the power plug a couple of times before I could get it to wake all the way up. Then, while we were watching The Amazing Race (and, by the way, the current season — in which all the teams are returning former contestants — is the best I can recall, with unexpected twists and some truly devious challenges), I noticed that the clock on the music player powered by the server in the attic had stopped. Turns out that the hard drive on the server, a 2006 Mac Mini, had Died The Death. I suspect that there may have been a power fluctuation while we were gone.
After trying all of the usual things to bring the hard disk back from the dead, I decided that the old Mini had accumulated enough hardware problems in recent years that it was better to replace it completely. So off to the Mac Store I went, and by 3:00 the next day the new server was up and running in its place.
Let me take a moment here to reflect on the importance of backups. This is actually the second time this year I’ve suffered a catastrophic hard disk failure, and neither one was more than an expensive inconvenience. New hardware, restore backup, done. Instead of enjoying my music right now I might be cursing and trying to re-create my music library, or still moaning about all of the writing and email and other stuff I’d lost back in January. In this case, the computer actually died in the middle of a backup, causing the backup to be unusable, but because I’m paranoid there was an older backup available as well.
There are a lot of alternatives for backing up your computer. Pick one and use it. (I clone each computer’s hard drive to a bootable external disk on a monthly basis, and use Time Machine for incremental backups on the main computer.) Check your backups every once in a while to be sure they’re good.
You know how they say you should only floss the teeth you want to keep? The same is true for backing up your data.
My story “Trust” has been sent to subscribers of Daily Science Fiction; it will appear on the website in a week.
Hugo nomination deadline approacheth
As you may know, the deadline for Hugo nominations is this Friday. Here are my eligible publications.
Click on a story title to read it online. Click on a publication name to buy it. Enjoy!
- “Pupa” in Analog, September 2010
- “Powers” in Wild Cards I
Short Stories
- “Teaching the Pig to Sing” in Analog, May 2010
- “A Passion For Art” in Interzone issue 228
- “A Little Song, A Little Dance” in Breaking Waves (ebook)
- “Family Matters” in Fangs for the Mammaries
- “Finding Joan” in Daily Science Fiction
Dramatic Presentation
- “Floaters” (audio) in The Drabblecast episode 177 (also available via iTunes)
Of all of these, I think “Pupa” is the one that has the best chance of making the ballot.
Life with David and Kate
Word count: 64730 | Since last entry: 1802
D: “Oh boy. I just got my first e-rejection from Asimov’s.”
K: “Rah.”
D: “Some milestones are more fun than others.”
K: “I like the ones made of marzipan.”
D: “…never seen one of them.”
K: “They don’t last long.”
Old people say the darndest things
Word count: 62928 | Since last entry: 1833
I got this email from my square dance friend Bo and just had to share it:
It went like this at my dad’s assisted living complex:
Resident 1: “Can you believe we’ve put men on Mars?”
Resident 2: “Say, that story is about a woman. When did the men go?”
Bo (politely): “Oh, that’s a story about a Mars-like research station. It’s in Utah. My friend David went there.”
Resident 1: “Oh, so David was the man. How come the article wasn’t about him?”
Bo: “Sorry. David went some time ago. He said he learned a good deal. I went to one of his presentations and thought it was very interesting.”
Resident 1: “Seems like it would take too much time to get there and back.” (peers at article). “Must’ve made it up.”
Bo: “Oh, no. I’m quite sure he went. It’s a research station in Utah that is set up to feel like Mars.”
Resident 2: “Why would they name a state on Mars ‘Utah’? Isn’t one of those enough?”
And so it went from there….
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