Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

World Fantasy Con schedule

Heading off bright and early tomorrow to exciting Columbus, Ohio for the World Fantasy Convention. I’ll be on the following program items:

Thursday 9:00 pm: The Logic of Absurdity, Fairfield room
Exploring the difference between a completely absurd fantasy and a satire which more or less describes the real world in a way absurdist fantasy doesn’t. Is the difference merely the degree of distortion?
Eric Flint, Gerald Warfield, David Levine (m)

Saturday 1:00 pm: The Fantasy of James Thurber, Morrow room
Ginjer Buchanan (m), Andy Duncan, David Levine, Sharon Reamer, Elaine Isaak

Kate and I are also going to Tron Night, a 20-minute IMAX preview of the new movie, at the AMC Lennox Town Center on Thursday night. Tickets are sold out but each of us can bring one guest.

Apart from those… look for me in the bar!

I killed Realms of Fantasy

In case you haven’t heard by now, Realms of Fantasy has folded. Again. I’m sorry to see it go; though I was often frustrated by its long response times, I was always happy to be published there because of the excellent full-color illustrations they commissioned for each story (the illustration for “The Ecology of Faerie” was particularly fine). I’d be really surprised if Realms were to rise from the ashes a second time, though stranger things have happened.

In the writing biz, if you have sold a story to a market that goes out of business before the story appears, we say that you have “killed” the market. (The fact that there’s a word for this tells you something about the writing biz.) This is, I think, the second market I’ve killed, the first being Aeon (though I still hold out some faint hope that the story I sold them will appear in the long-promised collection End of an Aeon). In this case, Shawna had accepted a story of mine but not yet sent a contract, so I didn’t even get any money for the hit. Maybe I just maimed it.

So, anyway, now I’m looking once again for a home for the magical lesbian plumber story. I’m really fond of this one and I was thrilled to have it accepted at Realms, because it was rejected by F&SF, Asimov’s, Strange Horizons, Fantasy Magazine, Subterranean, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Greatest Uncommon Denominator, Interzone/Black Static, Glimmer Train, and Clockwork Phoenix 3. Any suggestions as to where else I can send it? It’s 7200 words long, which is too long for a lot of markets.

Recommended Reading

A friend asked me this weekend for some SF/fantasy recommendations. Having established that he found Perdido Street Station too bleak, I wound up recommending these:

  • Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal
  • The Native Star by M. K. Hobson
  • His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik
  • Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

Interesting that these are all alternate-history fantasies with a definite romance component…

Writing-related tidbits

Here are a bunch of little writing-related news items too small to justify their own post:

You can now read my story “Finding Joan” at Daily Science Fiction. Free!

You can win a copy of Wild Cards 1 — the reissue of the first volume in the Wild Cards series, with additional new stories by me, Carrie Vaughn, and Michael Cassutt — from Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist.

StarShipSofa is going to podcast my story “A Passion for Art” from Interzone 228. Yay! But Gardner Dozois in Locus didn’t like it. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Francophones! You can now buy Légendes, an anthology in French including my “L’histoire de l’Aigle Royal” (The Tale of the Golden Eagle) plus “Changement d’itinéraire” (Changed Itinerary) by Mary Robinette Kowal, “Le goût du miracle” (Taste of Miracles) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and more! I love that the shipping options on the order form include “I find myself in the Metropolis” (i.e. Paris), “I find myself overseas,” and “I find myself elsewhere in the world.”

(I’ve been feeling pretty worthless as a writer lately, since it’s been very difficult for me to produce any words at all since before we left for Australia. But I have to remind myself that not many people can say “why yes, one of my Hugo-nominated stories was just translated into French.” I’ll find my way back onto that horse one of these days, I swear.)

A theory about “the Google”

I got mugged by a short story idea yesterday at 5:30 AM. Eventually I gave up on getting back to sleep, got up, and wrote 850 words of notes about it. Now I’m not sure whether I’m going to work on that today or the YA novel, but as always I’m particularly brain-dead on the second day after a night of not enough sleep so what I’m going to do right now is write a silly little blog post about “the Google.”

Tobias Buckell said on Twitter the other day: “What is with older folks in the Midwest adding a definite article before a product term? She’s not using ‘The Facebook’ it’s just ‘facebook.'” This prompted me to begin wondering seriously about why this is so.

The inestimable Language Log addressed George W. Bush’s infamous use of “the Google” a couple of years ago, but I have a theory.

We use “the” to refer to items that are unique in their context — items where there’s only one of them that we could possibly be referring to. We say that something fell on “the floor,” even though each room has its own floor, because in any given room there’s only one floor. For this reason, “the” is used when referring to monopoly public services like “the phone,” “the water,” “the electricity” (“oh no, the electricity went out”), “the newspaper,” “the bus,” and “the train.” (“The hospital” is a special case; there may be many hospitals, but when you use “the hospital” you’re referring to the generic service of hospitalization.) But nobody says they came by “the airplane,” because we’re keenly aware of air travel as a system of competing providers.

People who talk about “Google,” “Facebook,” and “email” without using “the” are aware of them as entities in a system of competing providers. (“Email” doesn’t get a “the” because it’s one of many communication alternatives including Twitter, IM, and SMS.) We look something up “on Google” because we are aware we could also be using Yahoo or Bing. But older folks who are familiar with public utilities but new to the Internet (note: “the” Internet because there’s only one) have probably just been handed the one search engine by whoever configured their browser, so they treat it as something like a public utility — they look things up on “the Google.” Likewise, they are unaware of social networks other than “the Facebook” or communication methods other than “the email.” You can expect to see this usage for anything that becomes dominant enough that the speaker is unaware of alternatives.

That’s my theory and it belongs to me. And it’s mine.

Yay! StarShipSofa wants to podcast my story from Interzone 228. But! Gardner Dozois in Locus didn’t like it. Ya win some, ya lose some.

“Floaters” published on Drabblecast

I finally got a chance to listen to the Drabblecast podcast of my horror story “Floaters,” which was released while I was in Australia. With the music and voices and all, it literally gave me chills! You can hear it here:

My story begins at approximately 08:00. I don’t recommend listening right before bedtime…

Breaking Waves

I mentioned this yesterday but I thought I should give it a post of its own to boost the signal.

Breaking Waves: An Anthology for Gulf Coast Relief, edited by Tiffany Trent and Phyllis Irene Radford, has been released as an ebook by Book View Cafe. It includes stories, poems, and essays by Ursula Le Guin, Vonda McIntyre, Laura Anne Gilman, Brenda Cooper, Camille Alexa, Sarah Monette, Lyda Morehouse, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Rachel Carson, among others. All proceeds from the sale of this ebook will go to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund of the Greater New Orleans Foundation.

One of the stories is “A Little Song, A Little Dance,” a story I co-wrote with Andrine de la Rocha. This story started with a diary that Andrine emailed to her friends after her trip with the New Old Time Chautauqua’s “Jambalaya Vaudeville Tour” to New Orleans and Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. I read her email, dripping with local color and theatrical personalities, and realized that it had everything it needed to be a fantasy story except for a fantasy element and a plot, and with her permission I added those elements. I’m glad the resulting story will continue to help the residents of the area.

To buy your copy, go to Only $4.99, in your choice of DRM-free ebook formats. You know it’s the right thing to do.

A month’s worth of writing news

While I was in Australia I didn’t write a word. (Well, I worked desultorily on the YA SF novel on the plane heading there, but nothing after that.) But when I came home I found that a lot had happened in my absence:

I also received three rejections and a rewrite request. The rejected stories have all gone back out and I’ll be starting on the rewrite shortly.