Word count: 3379 | Since last entry: 112 Spent the day fighting authentication issues at work that repeatedly locked me out of my account and had me talking to tech support in Bangalore a lot. But by the end of the day I think I got it all sorted out… which, functionally speaking, put me right back where I was. Came home and fixed biscuits while my sweetie made tempeh stroganoff. Yum. After dinner, sighed and reformatted the hard drive on the music server. After asking around at work and browsing the net, I decided I’d never be able to trust a disk with a broken index. So far I have reinstalled Windows XP and am now installing Service Pack 2. Oddly, after repartitioning and reformatting the disk only shows 130GB of the 250GB it’s supposed to have. I don’t remember if it was that way before. Also, after a fresh install I can’t set the monitor resolution higher than 640×480, and I know it wasn’t that way before. Same hardware, same OS. Why why why? While the OS was installing I did manage to write my 100 words for the day, but I’m still working on the same damn scene. I need to move forward. But it’s not going to happen quickly… I’m not going to be able to really concentrate on writing until the server is up and running again.
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