Archive for June 29th, 2007

6/28/07: Flutter flutter fwap

Word count: 50155 | Since last entry: 10592 | Days until retirement: 95

In my last writing post I declared a new resolve to write every day. I have done so every day since, 300-500 words most days. Yay me. However, this has taken time away from blogging. A good tradeoff, in my opinion, but I’m kind of sorry I didn’t get to write in detail about some of the things that happened this month.

I’ve made very good progress on the novel, but I just hit a point where I realize the outline is too thin to sustain forward progress. I may have to pause and re-outline very soon. Alternatively, I could glom the next three chapters into one and move quickly to the next exciting bit. I’m no longer worried about the novel being too short.

It’s been a very busy month at work. We hit the UI Freeze milestone and I fixed (or otherwise dealt with) 241 bugs and other issues. However, just because UI Freeze has come and gone doesn’t mean I can’t fix any more problems. I just have to be more subtle about it. For example, I can no longer add any new words or phrases to the UI (they’ve all been sent off to be translated into 14 languages), but if need a new phrase and I can find a similar phrase that already exists I might be able to use it in a new location (if the translation will work in both places in all languages). Still, this milestone means that my level of effort on this project is going to be scaling back. Lots of other projects await.

I’ve told key people at work that my unofficial official retirement date is October 1. There are quite a few details to work out before then, health care being a biggie. I have not told my co-workers yet (well, unless they’re reading this blog).

I’ve been a real social moth (that’s like a social butterfly but it batters itself against lightbulbs and other shiny things). Just briefly, the last 3 weeks included: Brandi Carlile concert, reading by the Yarn Harlot, housewarming for a writer new to town, major cross-site work meeting and dinner, viewing of Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (I didn’t know it was a comedy), dinner with square dance friends, failed attempt to have brunch with other square dance friends, Gay Pride parade and festival, dinner with another square dance friend, benefit showing of Serenity, haircut, open house for the new Grand Central Bakery, JayCon, midnight singalong showing of the Buffy musical episode, dim sum with yet another pair of square dance friends, party at the home of some lesbian librarian friends, book group (Portable Childhoods), delightful house concert with one of the Flying Karamazov Brothers, and a live taping of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Every one of those deserves at least a paragraph, if not its own entry. They won’t get it.

Tomorrow in the afternoon at work we have the celebration of our recent Beta 1 release, which I will duck out from early to head up to Seattle for a Clarion party followed by the Writer’s Weekend conference, at which I am a Guest Speaker. See some of you there!