3/2/08: Potlatch

Word count: 128416 | Since last entry: 0

Potlatch has been good so far. The hotel is fabulous and many of my favorite people are here. We’ve had excellent meals with friends old and new, and bought girl scout cookies from Edd Vick and Amy Thomson’s daughter Katie.

Yesterday I was on a panel called “Man and Aquaman,” about biological and technological modification of humans. The panel started off slow and diverged radically from the original idea, but we had fun talking about what defines “human” and “self.” In the afternoon I gave a reading, which was well attended, probably because I came in just at the end of Pat Murphy’s reading and most of her audience stayed. I read the zeppelin story, which made some people want to know what else happened in that universe (I never have written two stories set in the same universe, never mind sequels, but I’m thinking that I might try that one day soon). The panel on atheism was fun and intriguing and made me say “what, is everyone in this regiment a woman?” I think that atheists really need to be more open about our beliefs, so that more people will realize how common atheism is and how we really are good and moral people.

Saturday evening was the Clarion West benefit auction, and I’m pleased to say that items we donated raised over $200. I also made out like a bandit in the “chocolate for trivia” event preceding the auction.

No writing since leaving home. Really ought to do something about that.

Oh, one more thing… got a hint of a possibility that maybe I will be getting some good news soon. Perhaps. Fingers crossed.

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