Archive for February 19th, 2013

John Joseph Adams’s anthology The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination is available today, in hardcover, softcover, ebook, and audiobook formats, wherever fine books are sold.

The Mad Scientist’s Guide is available today!

Today marks the release of John Joseph Adams’s anthology The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination! This kick-ass anthology, which has already received a starred review from Library Journal, a Top Pick review from Romantic Times, and an Editor’s Pick from, features 22 stories by evil geniuses including Daniel H. Wilson, Seanan McGuire, Diana Gabaldon, and me! It’s available now, in hardcover, softcover, ebook, and audiobook formats, wherever fine books are sold.

I received my author copies last week. They were accompanied by the best letter-accompanying-author-copies EVER. “I have shared your video with a number of people. I never imagined that you had such great dramatic talents. I love the hand; the static; the… bitterness.” (If you haven’t yet seen the video, now would be an excellent time to do so. The URL is Tell your friends.)

In honor of today’s release, it’s Mad Scientist Week over at the Book View CafĂ© blog, with articles and stories about mad science all week. As part of this series, I’ll be posting an original mad science short-short story there on February 21.

On March 5, there will be a Mad Scientist’s Guide reading and signing with me, Daniel H. Wilson, and John Joseph Adams at Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing in Beaverton, Oregon. See the editor’s blog post for information on readings in other areas.

I’m extremely excited about this book. Some of John Joseph Adams’s other anthologies have become bestsellers and I think this one has a strong chance of doing the same. See for more information on the anthology.