Mysterious Portuguese tweet

A Twitter search on my name just turned up a tweet in Portuguese from user @lamevaperdicio (La Meva Perdició):

“#02DL “Portava a la mà una carpeta vermella amb una etiqueta en què es podia llegir TOP SECRET”. (David D. Levine).”

This tweet is a translation into Portuguese of a sentence from my Wild Cards Volume 1 rev 2.0 story “Powers,” but I can’t figure out what the #02DL hashtag is or why he tweeted it. Any guesses?

3 Responses

  1. Sergi G. Oset

    Hi David,
    a group of writers are writing a story chained (free theme) for Twitter from a phrase of “Powers”.
    The lengauge of the translation are in Catalan not Portuguese.
    We’re from Barcelona (Catalonia).
    Excuse my english.
    Best reggards.

    1. David D. Levine Post author

      That is very interesting! Thank you for explaining, and I’m sorry to have mistaken Catalan for Portuguese. (I could tell that it was not Spanish!)

      We will be visiting Barcelona in October, and my wife is studying Catalan. Perhaps we can meet you then!