Archive for January 26th, 2024

New Arabella of Mars trilogy covers!

I am thrilled to be able to share with you the covers of the new Open Road editions of the Arabella of Mars books! Are they not gorgeous? (Click to embiggen.)

OpenRoad-3 covers.

I recounted the story of how I got the rights to the Arabella books back from Tor and resold them to Open Road Media on my blog last year. The downside of this resale has been that the books have been out of print since then, except for used and backstock paper copies, but on February 13 they will be reissued as ebooks, with the lovely new covers shown above and all-new YA-focused marketing materials. And the new ebooks will be available for the first time in English-speaking markets outside North America! They are available for preorder now from ebook stores around the world.