Author Archive


I’m at Wiscon, the world’s leading feminist SF convention, in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend. Here’s where you can find me:

  • Friday 4:00–5:15 pm, Michelangelos: A Reading Group is Like a Box of Chocolates with Greg Bechtel, David D. Levine, James P. Roberts, LaShawn M. Wanak. …because you never know what you’ll get. But we do promise interesting readings, and actual chocolate for those who show up.
  • Saturday 1:00–2:15 pm, Assembly: How To Apologize Like A Feminist with Debbie Notkin, Eileen Gunn, David D. Levine, Betsy Lundsten, JP Fairfield. This year a handful of scandals rocked the feminist world. Prominent self-identified feminists were implicated in reproducing the very language and behaviors they were expected to fight against. Many of them apologized, but not all those apologies were satisfying to their fans, colleagues, and offended parties. Meanwhile some not-at-all feminist people stumbled with their own appeasement of fans, losing many in the process. What makes a good apology? How can someone communicate empathy in a way that is both satisfying and redeeming? Is it appropriate to demand apologies for errors that only become clear years later? Should artists be held to the same standards public intellectuals, politicians, and activists are? And is a good apology ever enough?
  • Saturday 7:30–11:00 pm, Capitol/Wisconsin: Tiptree Auction. I will be one of several guest auctioneers attempting to fill the shoes of the great Ellen Klages, who cannot attend. Do feminists have a sense of humor? Come to the Tiptree Auction and find out! You might come away with a first edition signed by LeGuin, a glow-in-the-dark squid, a statue of Space Babe, or a book from Alice Sheldon’s library. You might see Ellen Klages in a chicken suit, selling the shirt off her back, or shaving her head on stage. It’s never the same show twice, and whatever happens, there are always lots of laughs, all for a good cause. Every bit of the money you spend is donated to the James Tiptree, Jr., Award.
  • Sunday 1:00–2:15 pm, Conference 4: SFWA: Is It Relevant? Is It Useful? with Ann Leckie, Wesley Chu, Gary Kloster, David D. Levine, Grá Linnaea. Many accomplished sf/f writers don’t qualify for full membership in SFWA. Other organizations, such as RWA do a lot more for writers at every level. With the latest election, the SFWA Bulletin problems, and the attack on one of our Guests of Honor by one member of SFWA and its results, do we as feminists and writers want to be part of that organization? Can working from within to change it have real results?
  • Sunday 4:00–5:15 pm, Conference 4: The Queer Alphabet with Tanya D., David Edison, David D. Levine, Mo Ranyart, Julia Schroeder. Gay, lesbian and gay, LGB, LGBT, LGBTQIA, QUILTBAG, GSM, GRSM, queer, trans*, etc. Sexual orientation, romantic orientation, sex, gender, gender expression, preferences, kinks, and relationship models. Who gets included or excluded in the various queer alphabet games? What are the most inclusive and comprehensive terms to use? Should every identity related to sexuality, gender, and relationships be lumped together? If not, why not? And who gets to decide?

Announcing the release of “AWK Essential Training” at

Last year fellow Portland writer and Analog Mafia member Mark Niemann-Ross asked me to write and record a course for his employer, video training company, on the AWK programming language. I recorded it in April, and the finished course, AWK Essential Training, is now available to all members. If you aren’t a member, you can watch the first six videos in the course for free at

Awk2Topics covered in the course include:

  • What is AWK?
  • Writing an AWK program
  • Working with records, fields, patterns, and actions
  • Specifying field and record separators with variables
  • Using built-in and user-defined variables
  • Building control structures
  • Formatting output
  • Manipulating string data with functions
  • Scripting with AWK

“So what is this AWK thing,” you might ask, “and why on Earth should I care about it?” AWK is a tool and programming language for manipulating text files. For example, if you have a file of names and addresses and want to find out how many of them are from each US state, you can do that with just a few lines of AWK code.

AWK is older and more limited than similar but more modern tools like PERL and PYTHON, but its simplicity makes it easier to learn. Also, AWK is preinstalled on most UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X, so if you use any of these machines AWK is right there whenever you need it. It’s also available for Windows.

I actually love AWK and use it just about every day, so I’m very pleased to have this opportunity to help people learn about its capabilities. AWK Essential Training went live yesterday and has already been seen by 303 viewers in 47 countries.

My experience with so far has been both fun and profitable, and I look forward to recording more courses for them in the future. If you are interested in doing something like this yourself, please contact Mark Niemann-Ross at He is especially interested in finding authors who are women or people of color. If you have expertise in any technical or business field, have good English writing and speaking skills, and enjoy helping people learn how to do things, I encourage you to give it a try.

“Brave New Sci-Fi” (4 short SF plays) TONIGHT (Thursday 4/24)

Tonight marks the WORLD PREMIERE of the theatrical adaptation of my Hugo-winning short story “Tk’Tk’Tk” and three other short SF plays!

Brave New Sci Fi

Thursday, April 24th, 7:30pm

Basement of The Rialto Pool Room
529 SW 4th Ave.

$10.00 cash at the door
($7.00 for students and seniors)
Or just $5.00 when ordered online!
Online orders end at 4:30 today!


Allison Anderson
David Bellis-Squires
Racheal Joy Erickson
Kristen Fleming
Micheal Streeter


“I told you I get some strange customers, boy.”

DEB & JOAN by Isaac Rathbone
“You sounded so… melancholy. That’s very advanced.”

“If you could do that with your tools, why couldn’t you just construct a boyfriend?”

TK’TK’TK by David D. Levine*
“I had spent almost five days on Bug Planet and all I had to show for it so far was one customer.”

* Adapted by Matt Haynes.

Brave New Sci Fi runs 2 hours, including intermission, and is for audiences 21 and over.

Hope to see you there!


You can hear an interview with director Matt Haynes, and excerpts from “Why I Left Harry’s All Night Hamburgers” and “Tk’Tk’Tk,” on the Geek in the City podcast, issue 254 beginning at 22:35.

SFWA Pacific Northwest Reading Series: Seattle area 4/29, Portland 4/30

This is just a reminder that the SFWA Pacific Northwest Reading Series will be holding its next events in two weeks.

On Tuesday, April 29 in the Seattle area, we’ll have local favorites Nancy Kress, Jack Skillingstad, and Leah Cutter plus special bonus reader Daryl Gregory. The University Bookstore will be on hand again selling books and all the authors will be available to sign.

When: Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Wilde Rover Irish Pub & Restaurant, 111 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033

On Wednesday, April 30 in Portland, we’ll have bestselling writer Mike Moscoe, along with Leah Cutter and Ray Vukcevich. Wrigley-Cross Books will be selling books and all the authors will be available to sign.

When: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Portland, OR 97211

See for more information on both readings. Tell your friends!

I hope you can join us! It should be a lot of fun.

My Norwescon schedule

Norwescon, Seattle’s biggest SF con, is next weekend! I’ll be there, and here’s my program schedule:

  • Reading: David D. Levine
    Thu, Apr 17, 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM, Cascade 1
    Arabella and the Marsman, a YA Regency Interplanetary Airship Adventure. Arabella is a Patrick O’Brian girl in a Jane Austen world — born and raised on Mars, she was hauled back home by her mother, where she’s stifled by England’s gravity, climate, and attitudes toward women. When she learns that her evil cousin plans to kill her brother and inherit the family fortune, she joins the crew of an interplanetary clipper ship in order to beat him to Mars. But pirates, mutiny, and rebellion stand in her way. Will she arrive in time? Rated G
    David D. Levine
  • Behind the Scenes at Kennedy Space Center
    Fri, Apr 18, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Cascade 12
    In January, Hugo-winning SF writer David D. Levine was invited to attend the launch of the TDRS-L satellite from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The launch event included visits to a launch pad under construction, the upper stories of the Vehicle Assembly Building, and the crawler-transporter, which are not open to the public, as well as press conferences with administrators, scientists, and astronauts. He took lots of pictures. Come see his slides and ask questions!
    David D. Levine
  • Giving Good Alien
    Fri, Apr 18, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Cascade 9
    It’s pretty darn hard to write about a life form completely outside of our experience. No matter how good an SF story is, if you come across an alien that’s either `just a guy in a suit’ or too far from our current understanding of the laws of physics, it can throw you out of the story. So what does it take to create a believable alien?
    David D. Levine, Dean Wells, Nancy Kress, Pat MacEwen
  • First Page Idol
    Sat, Apr 19, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Cascade 10
    Feeling brave and bold? Send us your novel’s first page to be read aloud and critiqued by our pros. Email to by Friday!
    Camille Alexa, Cat Rambo, David D. Levine, Kevin Scott, Phoebe Kitanidis
  • The Many Sides of Hard SF
    Sat, Apr 19, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Cascade 10
    While some predicted the decline of hard SF in the 1960s and 1970s, it’s alive and thriving. What makes SF hard SF? Does it have to play 100% by known physical laws, or can it break them in some areas? Are all sciences open to hard SF, or are some a better fit than others? Come and join us for a lively discussion.
    David D. Levine, Elton Elliott, Jason Bourget, Nancy Kress, Russell Ervin
  • Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook, OH MY!
    Sun, Apr 20, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Cascade 3&4
    Where do you get your fandom fixes? Every social media has it’s own culture. What’s different about the various social medias, and how do they interact within themselves and with each other in spreading fandom.
    David D. Levine, Donna Prior, Jen K, Jonny Nero, Sara Twitty

My Hugo-winning short story “Tk’Tk’Tk” has been adapted into a short play, which will be presented as part of an evening of “Brave New Sci-Fi” at the Jack London Bar in Portland, Oregon on April 24! See for more details.

Theatrical adaptation of “Tk’Tk’Tk” in Portland 4/24

I’m very pleased to announce that my Hugo-winning short story “Tk’Tk’Tk” has been adapted into a short play, which will be presented as part of an evening of “Brave New Sci-Fi” at the Jack London Bar in Portland, Oregon on April 24! See for more details.

The adaptation was written by playwright Matt Haynes, and the evening will also include “Why I Left Harry’s All Night Hamburgers” by Lawrence Watt-Evans, “My Heart Is A Quadratic Equation” by Shane Halbach, “Deb & Joan” by Isaac Rathbone, and possibly more! The same company has previously adapted works by Ken Scholes, Tina Connolly, and Liz Argall.

I’ve read a draft of the adaptation, and it’s… very different from the short story, but I can’t disagree that the changes are appropriate and indeed necessary. The page and the stage are different media with different needs. I’ve seen before how prose changes when it’s adapted to drama, but this is the first time I’ve seen it with one of my own works and it’s been educational.

I’m really looking forward to seeing the play performed on April 24, and if you’re in Portland I hope you’ll be able to join me there!


Reading in New York City at KGB 3/19/13

I will be reading at the fabulous Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading series in New York City next Wednesday, March 19! Come “up a steep and very narrow stairway” to see me and Ellen Kushner read from our work, mix and mingle with fans of fantastic fiction, and enjoy tasty beverages. The reading is at KGB Bar, 85 East 4th Street, and it’s free! Come early to make sure you get a seat; doors open at 6:30 and the reading starts at 7pm. Hope to see you there!

SFWA Pacific Northwest Reading Series: Seattle area 4/29, Portland 4/30

This is just a quick reminder that SFWA’s Pacific Northwest Reading Series is having our next events in Seattle and Portland next month! On Tuesday, April 29 in the Seattle area, we’ll have Nebula- and Hugo-winning writer Nancy Kress, accompanied by Jack Skillingstad and Leah Cutter. The University Bookstore will be on hand again selling books and all the authors will be available to sign.

When: Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Wilde Rover Irish Pub & Restaurant, 111 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033

On Wednesday, April 30 in Portland, we’ll have bestselling writer Mike Moscoe, along with Leah Cutter and Ray Vukcevich. Wrigley-Cross Books will be selling books and all the authors will be available to sign.

When: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Portland, OR 97211

See for more information on both readings. Tell your friends!

I hope you can join us! It should be a lot of fun.

I have already received galleys for “The End of the Silk Road,” which was just accepted at F&SF two weeks ago, and it will probably be published in the very next issue (May/June 2014)! Sometimes publishing does move fast.