Writing update

Word count: 2327 | Since last entry: 2880

The word count figures above make no sense, I know. The “word count” is the count for the current story in process (“the vampires-in-suburbia story,” sequel to the previous witches-in-suburbia and werewolves-in-suburbia stories). The “since last entry” figure above is the total words generated on this story and the previous one (“the pupa story”) since my last post with a wordcount, which was 2/7. It doesn’t count 2719 words of notes and outline on the vampire story.

I’ve been maintaining my streak of 500 words a day since January 1, though that includes notes and outline and on a couple of those days I’ve had to state that 350 words is close enough to 500 for my purposes.

Apart from the daily grind of generating new words, I have a couple of pieces of writing news to report: there’s a great review of Space Magic in the upcoming (and final, alas) issue of Realms of Fantasy; and the online anthology Diamonds in the Sky has been released, including my story “Galactic Stress.” The anthology is free to read online, so go check it out. The hope is that this anthology will be used as a text by astronomy teachers looking for engaging SF stories to help their students understand astronomy concepts.

This is the first post with a new back-end script that should make it easier for me to post more than once a day. I know I don’t usually, but that’s been partly because it’s a pain. I hope that this will encourage me to do more brief posts rather than the big catch-up posts I usually do.

And with that… I’m going to post it! I hope to have another small post soon.

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