Archive for June 26th, 2005

6/25/05: That’s me all over

It appears that my story “Tk’tk’tk” from the March issue of Asimov’s has been translated into Spanish (in issue 19 of Asimov Ciencia Ficcion) and reviewed in Finnish. The best translation I’ve been able to come up with for the Finnish review is as follows:

Myyntihenkilö is vieraalla planetary shop tietokonejärjestelmää , only kielimuurin for ploy no really affair. And eventually husband waste omaisuuttaan väärinymmärrysten for and starvation began became , until husband eventually discover locally vegetarian restaurant , whereof may edible grub. Glorious good tale kielimuurista kultturien sometimes. Loppuratkaisu oli anew the idealist nössö.

That’s definitely my story, and it sounds like they liked it… I think. I also got two short story rejections on Friday, and finished the proposal for novel #2. I’ll be stuffing things in envelopes tomorrow.