Archive for January 18th, 2006

1/17/06: Grr and feh

Word count: 897 | Since last entry: -3

Spent all day in a meeting (as I will be doing every day this week) and then, when I got back to my desk, locked myself out of the payroll system. I must have forgotten my password — not too surprisingly, given that we are forced to change them frequently and use passwords complex enough that they can’t easily be remembered — and then the backup authentication system decided my answers for favorite color, favorite movie, and mother’s maiden name weren’t close enough. Probably case-sensitive or some such garbage. Then I found out the people who can unlock the account are all at an offsite today. So no paycheck for me today. (Mind you, I did get paid, by direct deposit — I just can’t print my paystub.)

Got home late, to find a nice rejection from Cricket in the mail. This on top of a critique I received by email on Monday, which said my main character was “Nazi-esque” and the science fiction premise “disregards commonly known facts, basic physics, etc,” and some other news which I won’t go into other than to note that I found it far more annoying than it deserved.

I rewrote the carpet story again tonight, for a net wordcount change of -3, but at this point I have zero confidence it’s any good.